Saturday, March 6, 2010

Something Interesting from Chapter 5

One concept that I found interesting was in chapter five about criteria for accepting or rejecting claims. In this section it explains how “our most reliable source of information about the world is our own experience”. This statement was so interesting to me because you would think that something like an Encyclopedia or even the internet would be more reliable. The more I thought about the concept it became cleat that even something you read on the internet is at least a second hand or third hand source if not more down the line. What you witness and discover about the world is always a first hand source to you and your most credible source, “we need to trust our own experience because that‘s the best we have, everything else is second hand. We accept a claim if we know it is true from our own experience and we reject a claim if we know it is false from our own experiences. This is because we are so credible that if we know different we can reject the claims.

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