Friday, March 26, 2010

Ch 8 Concept

A concept in chapter eight that I found to be useful was general claims using words like all, some, no and only. The definitions of these words are very important for their use. For example all means, “Every single one, no exceptions (Epstein p.160)”. After reading these precise definitions it made me think of how many times any one of those words is misused. I know personally I am guilty of using the word “all” incorrectly. Just the other day I told my sister that she leaves her clothes out everywhere all the time; in reality it just seems like it’s all the time but it’s really only some of the time that she does this. It’s really important for the purpose of an argument or claim that these words are used correctly so that you’re speaking truthfully and exact to the situation. Learning this concept has made me more aware of these words and how to use them effectively. When making any claim we should all make sure to use words like all, some, no and only correctly so that others can know exactly what you are talking about.

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