Saturday, April 17, 2010

Interesting Topic

One concept from the assigned reading that I thought was interesting was an argument that calls in your debts. “An argument that calls in your debts appeals to the opposite of spite: “You should believe or do something if you owe someone a favor” (Epstein 193)”. For example:

Jessica: How can you go to the mall with Stacey and not go with me? You owe me from that time I helped you do your homework?

Bringing up the person debt as a way to get what you want is an example of calling in your debts. This in turn makes you feel guilty so now you feel compelled to go to the mall with Jessica. I believe that just because you helped someone does not mean you get to demand when you get the help back. I thought this concept was interesting because this concept applies to an experience that most people can say that they have gone through.


  1. This concept is definitely one that I could relate to when reading the chapter. Making a decision off of this argument seems like an good decision when in reality, but when analyzing an argument the way we do in this course you can really see that it makes no sense to follow through with actually doing it. Even though it is technically by textbook a wrong argument I think many people like my self would help the person we owed debt to. Overall this subject was a relatable one that I found more interesting that the other concepts presented in the book.

  2. i don’t think this concept is from chapter 15, but I really enjoyed reading it too before. It definitely relates to me because I see it done a lot. It reminds me of guilt tripping. People use this concept to try and “guilt trip” their friends into doing something for them instead of for other people. I’m not saying I don’t do it, but my friends do that to me a lot! And your example about shopping definitely pertains to me! So many times my friends would invite me to go shopping with them and guilt trip me if I say I’m busy. Overall, good job on your post! Keep up the good work! =)
